Crucible, 6 x 15cc Pockets, Temescal Style
Our EB8504 crucible is made of OFHC and is a drop in replacement for the Temescal 0715-8504-0, 6 x 15cc pocket crucible. We also supply the cover EB8153 for this crucible. Both are offered at a savings.
Over 50 years supplying consumables to the thin film coating, ophthalmic and semiconductor industries worldwide. Manufacture with Fil-Tech Quality.
We manufacture single and dual sensor heads with or without shutters and a complete line of feedthroughs on 1″ bolts or 2 3/4″ flanges. We custom make hardware to your specifications.
We supply 6MHz and 5Mhz Gold, Longer Life Gold, Silver, Advanced Adhesion Alloy and Stress Relieving Alloy, crystals for Inficon, Maxtek, Balzers, Unaxis, Sloan, Satisloh and other manufacturers at considerable savings.
Assembled emitters and complete emitter parts for the Temescal, Telemark and Balzers single and multiple pocket emitters.
Crucible liners in graphite, molybdenum, tungsten, and other materials, for Temescal, Telemark and Satis systems. Please call us for custom liners.