CYGNUS 2 CYG2-110100 Thin Film Deposition Controller
The CYGNUS 2 CYG2-110100 features INFICON ModeLock technology and ensures the most stable, highest resolution rate and thickness measurement available, even at very low rates. The auto Z improves thickness accuracy by automatically determining the Z-ratio as material is deposited. The CYGNUS 2 can control up to 6 sources simultaneously, independently or in any combination by one Cygnus 2, relieving the need for two or three controllers. Color TFT LCD display makes it easy to see what’s going on with your process. CYGNUS 2 has 10 Hz measurement, +/-0.0035 Hz over 100ms sample, USB data storage for screen shots, recipe storage and data logging, thickness summing of multiple sources, measurement rate averaging for low density, very low rate materials (up to 30 seconds for use with stable sources for very low rate OLED dopant material deposition), a display rate resolution of up to 0.001Å, 4 meter XIU option provides the ability to use long in-vacuum sensor cables for large systems, and its non-deposit control allows for continuous source control as substrates are cycled through the deposition chamber. See the available options at Cygnus2_Brochure_2015.